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Writer's pictureRahim Nanos

7 Ways to Improve Your Intuition

Like all skills, your intuition is something that you can practice and improve over time.

But unlike other skills, it can be difficult to find out how to learn.

There’s lots of information out there, but not all of the information about cultivating intuition is accurate or helpful.

Plus, everyone’s intuition works differently. Because intuition is so personal, it takes a lot of experimentation to figure out exactly how your intuition works as a unique individual.

Here are some tips to help you hone your intuition.

One: Develop your kinesthetic intuition

There is a lot of talk about clairvoyance (seeing) or clairaudience (hearing). However, developing your kinesthetic (physical felt sense) intuition is one of the sure-fire ways to achieve deep accuracy with your intuition.

This is because the body can’t lie, so intuitive signals that are sent from the body are much more difficult to misinterpret. The biggest challenge with developing kinesthetic intuition is the fact that most people actually have a deep fear of physical sensation.

The cultural normal is to ignore your body’s signals. This is because capitalist conditioning wants us to keep working without noticing that we’re hungry, tired, or uninspired. Because of this, sometimes developing the right relationship with the body can take time.

To practice cultivating your kinesthetic intuition, spend time getting to know the signals that your body sends to you via sensation. For instance, if you stop and drink a glass of water, choose to really tune in to how it feels. Notice the sensation of the water in your mouth. Feel it as it moves down your throat.

Then pay attention to any sensations that happen after. Is there a feeling of reinvigoration, or flow, or safety?

If you’re walking down the street, notice how your feet feel on the ground.

If you catch yourself feeling angry or excited, stop and notice how the emotions feel in your body. If you’re excited, do you feel tingly or warm? If you’re angry, do you feel hot or tense?

By going through your normal day and paying extra attention to your body’s sensations, you will develop mastery over these signals over time.

Once you are familiar with how to tap into your body sensations, you can take the next step. Let’s talk about how to practice using your kinesthetic sense to hone your intuition.

If you are trying to make a decision, you can test each decision using body sensation to come up with an intuitive answer.

For example, let’s say you are trying to decide whether you want to stay in or go out on a Saturday night.

Ask your body how it would feel if you stayed in.

Perhaps that makes your heart beat faster and you feel a tingling on your skin. As you lean into those sensation, you might realize that you feel calm and happy with that decision because the week has made you overtired.

Now, run the prospect of going out by your body’s sensations. Maybe a sense of fatigue overcomes you and you notice your chest beginning to collapse. You realize that the prospect of going out tonight makes you feel overwhelmed and weak.

If this is the case, you can now make your decision on whether to stay in or go out based on your kinesthetic intuition.

As another example, let’s say you meet a new person, and you’re unsure whether you want to develop a deeper relationship with them.

You can run the prospect of this person by your body’s intuition. How does the presence of this person make you feel in your body? Do you feel calm and safe, or do you feel confused and agitated? This is an example of using your kinesthetic intuition to assess people’s energy and how well they sync up with your energy.

Two: Find your energetic neutral

It can be difficult to distinguish between certain signals in the body and mind. Often, a “gut feeling” that is sometimes mistaken for intuition is actually a trauma or fear-based response.

By trauma response, I mean a feeling or sensation that is triggered by an event that happened in the past, rather than a response to the real energetic flow that exists in the present moment.

Because these trauma signals can be so powerful and real, it’s easy to mistake them for intuition.

To ensure that you are truly tracking energy in the present moment with your intuition, you need to practice finding your energetic neutral.

Your energetic neutral is your holistic calm center, with a conduit of yin and yang energy flowing and cycling throughout your energy system.

It is always best to practice your intuition from this place of energetic neutral to ensure accuracy.

Our trauma response tells us there is danger when we are actually safe in the present moment.

Our intuition can actually warn us if we are about to be in true danger.

A big component of this is about interpreting our intuitive signals well.

Sometimes, we get a true intuitive feeling, but we misinterpret this intuitive feeling.

For instance, we might feel a lurch in our stomach when we see somebody that could make a great partner for us. But if we have trauma around relationship, this lurch could be misinterpreted into thinking that our potential partner is actually dangerous in some way.

So, we turn away from this person in fear instead of taking action on that intuitive lurch by going up and talking to them.

Here’s a quick tip for determining if you’re responding to intuition or trauma: see if you can conjure a feeling of patience.

With intuitive messages, there’s a sense of stillness - of being able to take stock of the information, feel into the energetic current, and then take action when the time is right.

With trauma-based feelings, everything is absolutely urgent. Because trauma puts us in a fight or flight state, trauma make us feel like if we don’t act “right now,” that something really bad is going to happen. An intuitive instinct will rarely make you feel this kind of urgency.

To practice finding your energetic neutral, connect with the energies of the earth and the cosmos.

These conduits of yin and yang energy, respectively, can be drawn into your energy body and cycled through it.

This is called the microcosmic orbit, and it’s a spherical system of energy that continuously flows from the core of the earth, through your energy body, up to the highest power of the universe, and back down again. You know you’ve found your energetic neutral when you hit that magic spot: you feel relaxed, alert, and clear.

Three: Connect with starlight

We our connected to the stars through our imagination, vision, and excellence. The stars are an amazing power center, and they are Beings we can connect with to help us reveal our dreams to ourselves.

They can also help us hone our intuition on a very high frequency. Sit down for a meditation and begin a visualization.

Imagine that you are moving your ball of consciousness out through the top of your head. Then go all the way up to the stars. You can pick a particular star that is your favorite, if you wish.

Now imagine that your ball of consciousness is going right into the center of that star. Now sit and breathe in the middle of that star, imaging that you are synergizing with star light.

Ask the stars to reveal to you some unique aspect about how your intuition functions. Then, ask the stars to help you while you practice.

Four: Journal your thoughts and ideas

We all have a jumble of mental noise in our heads on a daily basis.

This can make it hard to have enough clear space in our minds for intuitive downloads that might come through.

This is why a journaling practice can be very helpful.

Automatic writing is a process of putting a pen to paper with out giving yourself time to think. You just write whatever comes out, and fill an entire page or two this way.

This allows you to brain-dump a bunch of extraneous information that is just rattling around in your mind. You’ll be amazed at how much space that creates in your mind for more profound information to come through.

Five: Filtering out unnecessary information

We can be flooded with a whole host of intuitive information.

While all of this information might be valid, much of it is unnecessary.

As humans, we can only focus on one thing at a time. So, we can only fully track one piece of information at a time.

To hone your intuition, you’ll need to practice filtering out extraneous information so that you can track the one energy that you really need to track.

Practice feeling for resonance with the intuitive information you receive. The more resonance (inner knowing) you feel about a piece of information, the more “on track” you are.

Six: Recognize the different voices

Often, our intuitive voice is subtle, while fear-based trauma responses can be loud and intense.

Practice sitting with the loud voices, breathe through them until they pass, and then attune yourself to the more subtle voices inside you.

You’ll discover that there are softer whispers and suggestions. This subtle knowing - that is your intuition. It is the voice in the silence after all the other voices have died down.

Seven: Clear your mind

Is it always best to practice your intuition when you are in the right environment and headspace.

The more clear and neutral your energy is, the more accurate your intuition will be.

It’s best to begin with some sort of meditation to get into the right mind-space.

Set yourself up somewhere quiet and safe where you can focus.

Spend at least ten minutes doing this, but you can do this for as long as you want.

Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath without trying to change your breath.

As you feel yourself relax, bring your attention to your body.

Try to feel every part of your body at the same time. Where you feel tension, bring your awareness to any stiffness and breathe into those areas to relax the body.

Then, bring your attention to your other senses. Focus on what you can hear and what you can touch (like the seat you are sitting on).

Feel into the more subtle spaces of your body, breath, and mind.

When you feel clear and calm, you can begin asking questions and opening up to intuitive information.

You can listen for the voice in the silence, watch for visualizations behind your eyelids, or feel into body sensations.

Some people’s intuitive answers simply come in the form of intuitive knowing.

Whatever works for you, open to messages without expectation of how they come.

Practice this over time, and the answers will get clearer and clearer.

You will begin to experience the uniqueness of your intuition and how it operates. The better you get at knowing how your intuitive messages speak, the more clearly they will come in.

Before you know it, your intuitive abilities will be easy to navigate even in day to day life!

While this may all seem like a lot at first, a little bit of practice goes a long way.

And you definitely don’t have to do all this at once.

Just pick one thing to work on and practice it throughout your day until you feel ready to practice something else.

If you are interested in tarot readings, manifestation coaching, or my energy mastery classes, head over to the Services page to book your session!

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